Farm de Tour 4/22/12

Click to see more photos. Photos by Tom P.
We only stopped by two places on the tour Black Hog Farm then afterward we went to Maggie's Plant Herbs and Gardens.
Last years pictures


What Is CoRK?

For more info check out their FB.

Birdies St Patricks Day 2012

Click to see more photos. Nice photos by Nick Garcia other photos by Tom P.

Downtown Art Walk March 2012

Click image to see full set. Photos by Tom P. and various camera borrowers.

1st Annual Dirty Bikes Olympics

Jacksonville's gettin down and dirty as the Skidmarks bring the bike games weekend everyone has been looking for. The games will be held at multiple locations in Jacksonville's urban core over a 3 day period. Early registration for the Polo Tournament, Sprint Races, Crit Race, Fixed Freestyle Trick Competition, and Bike Repair Relay are encouraged (click HERE to register). The registration for the rest of the events will be open on Friday, March 23th from 4pm-8pm at Murray Hill Park, and will continue on Saturday March 24th from 10am-10pm at Fishweir Park.

MIDNIGHT MASS (Thursday) @ Cummer Museum

Friday 23rd
4 pm - Treasure Hunt Begins @ Murray Hill Park
6 pm - Sprint Races @ Murray Hill Park
8 pm - Chariot Races @ Murray Hill Park
9 pm - Tall-bike Jousting @ Murray Hill Park

Saturday 24th
10 am - Polo (qualifying)@ Fishweir Park
2 pm - Road Rash 22k @ Stinson Park / Marjoram Park
4pm - Track Stand Shot Put @ Fishweir Park
5 pm - Bike Repair Relay @ Fishweir/Boone/Stinson/Willow
9 pm - Sprint Races @ Fishweir Park
11 pm - Tour de Franzia @ Fishweir/Boone Park

Sunday 25th
10 am - Polo @Fishweir Park
2 pm - Fixed Gear Freestyle @Fishweir Park
8 pm - Criterium Race @ Jacksonville Fairgrounds
10 pm - Awards Ceremonies @ Burro Bar

For more info check The Duval Dirty Bikes Olympics

Clyde Singletons New Skateboard

Clyde Singleton has a new board out on Blind Skateboards. Check it out support local. Buy it online here or at your local skate shop.

Jacksonville Residents Take Their Beach Cruisers To The Streets

Unibrow Interview: Jeremy Alan Gould

Recently Gould has been touring with The Sunbears. He handles the merch and is probably their gopher as well. Gould loves god, his family, and burritos. He has a strong passion for music and has done band interviews and written album reviews in the past. If anyone is looking for someone that loves being around the music scene and need a good worker please give this guy a job.

Do you think if someone pays the time they should be forgiven?
I do to a certain point. I believe in forgiveness but I also believe in consequences.

Name something on your bucket list?
Hang out with Depeche Mode eating burritos.

Is there anything you are looking forward to in the next few months?
Seeing my kids and eating burritos.

If you could outlaw one kind of major business what kind would it be?
Jimmy Buffett.

Where would you work if you could work anywhere in Jacksonville?
Tom Pennington's assistant.

Have you ever had to be rushed to the emergency room?
No.(knock on wood)

What is your favorite type of ethnic food?

Is there anything you wanted to learn but couldn't?

Do you have a favorite local store?
Regency Mall.

What do think is more important space exploration or feeding the homeless?
Feeding me and the homeless.

Interviewed by Tom P. Photos taken from Gould's FB.
click for past interviews.

Unibrow Interview: Cassandra Reyhani

Cassandra is a DJ, artist, and a writer. She also likes trolling on the interwebs. Photo taken from Cassandra's FB

What is the closest you've come to death?
This one time I got a cold & it really sucked. Oh and that one time at Birdies.

Are you currently into a book, movie or show?
Yes. I'm brushing up on my epistemology & practicing being pretentious.

Do you think originality is possible anymore?
Yes. If you are weird I guess.

Would you rather find a unreleased John Lennon, Michael Jackson or Tupac album?
I'd rather find a billion dollars.

At what age did you stop counting how many people you have kissed?
3 months. Pimpin' ain't easy.

What is the last thing you remember that made your day?
Adrian White wrote me a letter? I love letters. Everyone should write me letters.

Do you have a favorite local store?
uh, uhhh. I don't think I can legally say?

If adults were not frowned upon for trick or treating would you go?

Are you worried about 12-12-12?
i'm a cat.

Would you rather go to a party in your underwear or naked with a mask on?

What is the last tape you thoroughly enjoyed?
MC Hammer "Hammer Don't Hurt 'Em"

Interviewed by tom p.

First Friday in Five Points Feb '12

Sonic youth- Dirth Boots

Check Out the 2012 Artist Series Burro Bags

Click image to check it out.